Kamis, 13 Januari 2011


We started this relationship by kissing each other. Our lust is covered by our commitment to keep this relationship safe, sweet, and last till they dont have an idea where to find us. Grows with laugh and hopes, i can see the way you try to tie me harder and harder. You keep telling me that my face gives you the right answer for your questions. I keep showing you how loving you is like my oxygen, which is needed and i might die if i lose it. 
They keep talking about us. About a couple who seems hoping too much. they bully us with their words. But you keep telling me to stand and stay strong because you dont wanna see me fall... thanks for the strength you gave me, btw.
I might get confused sometimes. Am i loving the right one or the wrong one? This uncertainty keep walking behind me..
Lots of black shadows, make me feel a bit afraid of taking new steps with you. But youre that angel covered with sins. You drag me down for a while, but the next second i feel like living my teenage dreams. That’s why being with you is like leaving my fear behind yet still trying to figure out why we should last forever. 

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